Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Big Loop: Day 20

DAY 20

From The Big Loop

Feeling much better today. I hit the trail at 5:35am trying to get in some hiking under the stars, but I only got about a 1/4 mile down the trail before I could no longer make out Orion. My bivy cave was extremely comfortable, and I slept much better than the previous night. I topped out Glen pass around 6:50 or so. What a trail. Hard to believe there can even be a trail when you are on the final approach to the pass.

From The Big Loop

After a short break I hustled down from the pass only to run into a 45 minute conversation with a ranger from Joshua Tree NP, who was in the Sierra for the first time. I guess he has to be official so much of the time, it (editor's note: it refers to an extended rant on global warming and the state of our society) all came spilling out in this freer setting. (People get naked all the time in the mountains, no one seems to care) I didn't mind listening or discussing, but I did want to get a move on sooner than I did. He seems to be having a great time in the Sierra and I am happy for him. We did bond over the desire for biscuits and gravy. He'll be getting his a bit sooner than I will, since he'll be out tomorrow and I have 3.5 more days after today (probably). 7 miles to Forester, lunch on top?

From The Big Loop

I did indeed lunch on top of Forester just before 2. And now I am sitting beside Tyndall creek just 16.1 miles from Whitney. I decided to scratch the ascent of Tyndall. It pains me to do so, because it looked so awesome as I walked by. And I had planned on it for a while.

From The Big Loop

However, as I walked up Forester Pass I felt a light burning sensation in my right hip-flexor. At first I thought it was just skin irritation, but it got worse and it was obviously the hip-flexor tendon. So, since Tyndall is not going anywhere and I have 58 more miles back to the car, I decided it was wisest to skip this one goal. Especially considering how beat I was yesterday (the day after Split). Now I am going to go sedately down the trail towards Whitney for another hour or so and then tomorrow I will just head to Guitar Lake. I suppose if I get there super early I may have time and energy for heading up Whitney and Muir (weather permitting). But I am not counting on it. A nice easy day tomorrow will not go amiss. With some luck I can flesh out my food supply too.

From The Big Loop

I managed to get over Bighorn Plateau and catch my first glimpse of Whitney Russel and Muir. The view up on the Plateau is absolutely entrancing. Whitney, Russel and Muir, to the left and the whole "Mount Brewer Wall" , to steal Clarence King's description, to the right. Just amazing views in every direction. I rode out a short rain storm in the bivy sack just after I found a campsite on Wright Creek. I am going to sleep without the wet bivy sack, hopefully there'll be no rain or severe wind. I am pretty close to Whitney now, as in I should be able to get up to the summit tomorrow in good weather. I guess it depends on which mileages you can believe. If it is only 13 miles to the top from here and then 5 back to Guitar Lake then I will make it for sure. If it is 9 to Guitar Lake and then 10 more round trip to the top, it might be a closer thing. Although, that is only 1 mile different... I guess I'll just have to walk to Guitar Lake and see what the situation is.

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