Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

where am I the fairest of all?

In the past few weeks I have been at opposite levels of relative attractiveness in different settings. Earlier this week I went to the special release of some barrel aged beers from a brewery near San Diego. There was a crowd of about a hundred folks there, mostly guys. After I had been there for a while, I took a look around and I realized something. These guys made me look GOOD. I mean there were a few in shape guys there, but for the most part... um.... not looking too hot. Yup. At a special beer release I am an Adonis.

At a climbing area on the other hand, I am just one of a large number of very fit young men running around in various states of undress. So no need for me to resort to plastic surgery or dieting. I just need to pick my spots if I want to be the best looking guy around.

Unfortunately beer drinker's gatherings tend not to attract very many women so my relative attractiveness there just goes to waste. And although there are a good number of attractive ladies out at the climbing ares there are never enough girls to even out gender ratio. This leads to stiff competition for the attentions of the few available ladies. Good thing for me that I am not interested in that type of competition. Not cause I am not interested in any of the women, but more because that blatant competition is not cool for the ladies who are targeted by it. Ah well maybe someday the ladies will find me.... ;D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you ever think that the not so hot guys waiting in line for the beer were in better shape at one time, perhaps before craft beer became their passion?