Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Big Loop: Day 13 & 14

DAY 13

From The Big Loop

Well, I cranked the hell out of my ankle, again. But I walked it off and it seems okay. I was just yards away from my lunch break when it happened. Stupid Minarets. Although I think it was more my fault for being too fatigued. I've stopped for lunch at 2:00pm just above (and past) Garnet Lake. It is certainly a long way towards Red's Meadow from Tuolumne, especially since I should still get in 2 or 3 more hours of trail time before camping. Some clouds appear to be moving in from the south. I am not sure what that means for my weather tonight. With any luck they'll stay east of me.

Ran into two repeat customers today. Trevor from the backpacker's campground in Tuolumne and blue hat guy that I met while heading north on the John Muir Trail past Palisade Lakes. I think we were both a little surprised to run into each other, and he failed to recognize me right away because of the increase in my facial hair. Donahue Pass was about as lovely as I remembered it, despite my much great wealth of comparison material as opposed to the last time I saw it.

From The Big Loop

Thousand Island Lake and the surrounding lakes are very cool, but the Ritter Range just doesn't feel the same as other parts of the Sierra. Fortunately, I shall be back in the good stuff very soon, especially at this pace.

So I think I accomplished my goal of finishing all the uphill portions of trail between me and Red's Meadow. In fact I should be there for breakfast tomorrow. And that will allow an early start on the post-Red's Meadow JMT. I think that today's pace was too high. I don't believe my feet can sustain it for the long haul. The ankle seems okay. not good, but good enough. I am excited to get the rest of my maps tomorrow so I can look over the rest of the route. I can't wait to get back to the Sequoia/Kings Canyon section of the trail. Minor foot pain is my only real problem. All my other systems appear to be running just fine.

Oh, the trail after lunch today was not too interesting until Rosalee Lake and Gladys Lake, both had cool cliffs at their edges and nice evening light. Their were huge crags near Shadow Lake, I wonder if people climb on them...

DAY 14

From The Big Loop

Got up early and a bit damp. Need to air out the sleeping bag and bivy sack wherever needed. Maybe I should use the walking drying technique. Well, I have come and gone from Red's Meadow. Hit the trail just before 6 and rolled down to Red's Meadow by 8:20.

From The Big Loop

I had a frustrating photo experience on the way. Great clouds and light an the Minarets were blocked by the the trees and when I ran down to a meadow for a clear view I was too low and closer hill blocked the shot.

From The Big Loop

I got my breakfast at the cafe and my resupply box from the store. I jammed as much food as I could into my pack. It will not all fit in the bear can, looks like some of it will be in my pillow. I met a jazz bass player named Brandon who hiked from Lodgepole to Red's Meadow in 7 days and now has to quit cause his feet are giving up.

I left at 11:45 and hiked a couple hours to just short of Deer Creek. I should be able to hike until 7 or so tonight so we'll see how far I get. I might be able to get past Tully Hole.

Nope. Close though. I have stopped at Lake Virginia, lake shaped somewhat like the state of Virginia. It was a cool day even lower down in elevation. I don't know why I was surprised by how cold it is here. I am all bundled up and ready for the evening. I have chose a campsite at the edge of a talus field by the lake. There are some columbine flowers blooming nearby and that made me very happy, but ti did not last. I am facing potential disaster on my left foot. I was of the opinion that I would just walk through whatever skin pain I felt, muscles and joints might be different, but skin is just skin. Unfortunately a blister formed deep under the skin on the ball of my foot behind my left middle toe. The fluid in the blister found an outlet in the weak skin between my toes (2nd + 3rd), basically none of the skin in that region will survive, meaning I have at least a 2 inch square patch of raw skin, some of which is very deep. I am not sure how I will be able to function with this condition tomorrow and the next ten days. I guess it's appearance in the morning will be very significant. Other than foot skin I feel great and I have no doubt I would nearly fly on the way to Whitney. I am not prepare to stop now. Grr.

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