Sunday, March 2, 2008

First leg...

Yesterday was my launch day. I was mostly packed up on friday so I got up and went to have breakfast with Amy and Alex. Amy made a delicious egg scrabble in which the eggs were nearly overshadowed by the red and yellow peppers. We had a good long chat after which I left so that they could go line up in the rain for the Obama rally.

I got back home and packed up the car,
had some lunch, said goodbye to Mom and Dad

and hit the road. I had a full tank of gas and the drive to New Jersey is not very long so I made it without stopping. I got an enthusiastic welcome from Gonzo

and it appeared that Joe and Mel were not too disappointed to see me either.

We went out to dinner and the retired back to their house for cookies and Arrested Development.

In the next couple days I will try to outline my plans and goals for the next two months of road tripping. In short climb hard in new places and visit friends that have been too far away for too long. Long version to come soon...

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